Tunisia’s First Amazigh Magazine Launched


Tunis – AWN | Tanast, the first Amazigh magazine was launched in Tunisia on Monday January 1, 2018, Tanast is an electronic magazine dedicated to preserve and promote the Amazigh language and culture the Amazigh people in Tunisia and all those are interested in learning the Amazigh culture, the magazine will be published monthly in both Tifinagh and Latin characters.

The aim is to spread the Amazigh culture and to educate the different segments of the Amazigh identity and revive the Amazigh roots in history of Tunisia and North Africa. as well as to encourage the young generations to read and write in their mother tongue and learn new terminology and various dialects of the Amazigh language.


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Amazigh world news is an Amazigh news and commentary website dedicated to providing News Stories, Articles & Information for & about Indigenous Amazigh People of North Africa.


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