Amazigh Documentary ‘House in the Fields’ Set to Screen in Boston

House in the Fields

Boston, February 20, 2018

The award-winning documentary “House in the Fields” (Tigmi N Igren) will have a special screening at the Brattle Theatre in Cambridge, MA on Monday, February 26 at 7:00PM, and will feature a Q&A with film director, Tala Hadid, with curator and filmmaker Irina Leimbacher, Associate Professor of Film at Keene State College.

The thousand-year history of the Amazigh in Morocco has been, for the most part, recounted, preserved and transmitted by bards and storytellers in oral form among Tamazight speaking pastoral communities. House in the Fields continues this tradition of transmission, in an audiovisual form, in an attempt to faithfully document and present a portrait of a village and community that has remained unchanged for hundreds of years despite being confronted with the rapidly changing sociopolitical realities of the country at large.

For more information, or to purchase tickets, visit:


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