Comments on: Amnesty urges Spanish Foreign Minister to raise rights concerns while in Morocco Amazigh latest news and educational articles Wed, 29 Jan 2020 17:08:34 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mohammad Wed, 29 Jan 2020 17:08:34 +0000 Spain is not in any position to guide any country towards human rights. Has amnesty international seen the heavy-hand exercised by Spain in Catalonia against its self-determination. Catalonians have been dragged out of polling stations by their hair, flung down flights of stairs too, captured and incarcerated like runaway slaves; the leaders of independence fled the country and are being chased by arrest warrants. Amnesty International should show some respect for the Catalonian wounded before they award Spain a teacher’s license.

Moreover, Spain and Europe are the efficient cause of Rabat’s tyrannical anti-migration measures against sub-Saharan migrants entering the kingdom on route to Europe. Spain pays Morocco money to capture Black people (mostly) and keep them from reaching Spanish territory. The implicit request is for Morocco to disregard the human rights of these African migrants so as to be more effective in keeping the out of Spain.
