Comments on: Helene Hagan Releases New Book “AKHU” on the Amazigh Roots of Egyptian Civilization Amazigh latest news and educational articles Fri, 30 Sep 2022 16:42:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: Helene Hagan Fri, 30 Sep 2022 16:42:47 +0000 Greetings. Three points:

1. thank you for this article.
2. the ancient egyptian term for tribes is not “Rekhy” but “Rekhit”
3. A very important question of identity: I am presented here as an american anthropologist. It does not reflect my true identity. I consider myself first and foremost a French scholar born in Morocco of a Jewish Berber mother from Algeria, and a Catalan father. My verified mediterranean ancestries are extremely old. I was schooled in Morocco (Lala Aicha Lycee of Rabat) in Classical Studies , earning 2 Baccalaureates with Honors in French/Latin/Greek and Philosophy, and a License-es-Lettres from the University of Bordeaux in English Literature, also with Honors. I first entered the USA with a student visa in 1959, and over the years was able to obtain two graduate degrees from Stanford University , a top university, one in French and Education and the other in Psychological Anthropology, due to my impeccable academic credentials. I am essentially a North African immigrant to the US, with strong ancestral and family ties to Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco and my Catalan fatherland.
