Prominent Lawyer in Fight for Amazigh Rights Dies at age 73

Ahmed Adghirni
Ahmed Adghirnii (1947 - 2020)

It is with great sadness that we learn today of the passing of Professor and lawyer Ahmed Adghirni, better known as Dda Hmad today in Morocco at the age of 73.


Born in 1947 in the Taddart village, in Morocco Atlas Mountains, is one of the most well known figures in the Amazigh movement, DdAhmed was a lawyer, writer, politician and human rights activist AND among the first militants who internationalized Morocco’s Amazigh cause (Human Rights Council in Vienna. ) He was also among the founders of CMA – amazigh world congress),

Dda Hmad was also the founder of the first democratic amazighe (PDAM) party in Morocco, before it was quickly censored by Morocco regime. 

Dda Hmad has published more than 20 books in law and human rights, as well as hundreds of analysis; translation, and articles in various journals and newspapers.


Dda Hmad was a truly wonderful advocate for the Amazigh cause and has always been a source of inspiration for the Amazigh all over the world by his continuous efforts to raise awareness within the community of issues faced by Amazigh people in North Africa.

Our thoughts and prayers are with Dda Hmad’s family, friends and fans all around the world.

Rest in peace Dda Hmad…


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