100 Years ago, AbdelKrim El Khattabi established the Rif Republic

Rif Republic
Republic of Er Rif (1920-1926)

In the northern of Morocco lies the Rif region, lauded for its gorgeous coastal, high mountains, as well as its rich tribes and long history of Rif Amazigh struggle and resistance against the European colonialism. 

Exactly hundreds years ago September 18, 1921, the Republic of Confederated Amazigh Tribes of the Rif was established with Mohand Abd el-Krim El khattabi as its president or leader who named Ajdir near the city of Al Houceima to be his capital city.

El khattabi succeeded in evacuating the area from all remnants of Spanish colonization and founded first modern, independent, democratic republic with its own constitution, parliament, currency and flag.

The newly created state lasted only for 7 years from 1921 to 1926, before Spain joined forces with the French army to eradicate the Rif  republic using internationally banned weapons such as phosgene, diphosgene and mustard gas, the effects of which are still felt in the entire Rif region until this day.

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