7 Reasons To Be Proud To Be Amazigh


If you were lucky enough to be born in Tamazgha-North Africa, then you probably don’t need a reminder about how incredible your cultural identity truly is.
With the Amazigh New Year celebration just around the corner, we realized it’s a perfect time to point out some reasons to be proud you’re Amazigh.

Amazigh people are one of the largest and oldest indigenous tribes in The world


The Amazigh identity is millenary

Tamazight Language is one of the oldest written and spoken languages in the world


The term Amazigh, meaning Free Men

Amazigh woman is one of the bravest and most inspirational women in history

Amazigh are one of the friendliest people you will ever meet

North Africa-Tamazgha is one of the main reasons why Africa is one of the most popular tourist destinations


photos courtesy of: Tamazgha-Imazighen

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Amazigh world news is an Amazigh news and commentary website dedicated to providing News Stories, Articles & Information for & about Indigenous Amazigh People of North Africa.