Moroccan Sheikh Lashes out at Amazigh Icon Fatima Tabaamrant

fatima tabaamrant

In a video that went viral on Social media, a Moroccan salafi sheikh attacked Amazigh singer icon Fatima Tabaamrant.

Sheikh, Abu Ammar, posted a video on Facebook only days after the Amazigh people celebrating the Amazigh new year 2973, in which he attacked Fatima, describing the Amazigh signer and activist in a very sarcastic and shameless way attacking her personality as well her artistic career.


A number of lawyers, media professionals, and Amazigh rights activists have released a supporting statement, denouncing the attack on the Amazigh artist and urged the Moroccan authorities to take immediate actions against sheikh Abu Ammar and other Salafi preachers to prevent these hate speech violations from occurring.

Fatima Tabaamrant, born in Morocco, is an Amazigh poet, singer, activist, and parliamentarian. A member of Morocco’s indigenous Aït Boubker tribe, Tabaamrant has dedicated her life to asserting her Amazigh identity through her music and her political engagements.

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