Azawad: New Group Created Following Split

Assalat Ag Habi in Gao April 2012. Source: Al-Jazeera.

Differences of opinion, philosophy major goals and objectives have prompted members of the National Movement for the Liberation of the Azawad (MNLA) to split from the movement and start a new group under the name of Mouvement pour le Salut de l’Azawad (MSA).

The MSA is an initiative led by two former MNLA figures, Moussa Ag Acharatoumane and Assalat Ag Habi. While Moussa have been active public figure, Assalat on the other hand have kept a low profile and his last appearance was back in April 2012 at Gao airport when the MNLA and other groups seized control of the city.

Assalat Ag Habi in Gao April 2012. Source: Al-Jazeera.
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