The Ten Most Influential Amazigh Figures in the History of the Church

St. Augustine: Saint Augustine, bishop of Hippo from 396 to 430

Christianity, as a religion, originated in the early 1st century CE, entered into Northern Africa by the late first or early second centuries CE. Meaning that Northern Africa may have practiced Christianity even earlier than most of Europe.

When we are talking about the evolution of Christianity in North Africa -Tamazgha-, it can never be complete without bringing in some of the most famous Amazigh personalities who have had significant impact in Christianity as a religion.

Here is a list of such top 5 important Amazigh people in Christian history, whose actions and contributions went on to have a great influence upon the generations that followed.

Pope Victor I
 He was the first bishop of Rome and hence a pope of Amazigh/Berber origin, born in 189 A.D in the Roman Province of Northern Africa. 

Pope Miltiades
 also known as Melchiades the African, was Pope of the Catholic Church in Northern Africa from 311 to his death in 314. 

Pope Gelasius I
 He was the third and last Bishop of Rome of Amazigh/Berber descent in the Catholic Church.

Saint Monica
 Born on 332 in Numidia (an ancient Amazigh/Berber kingdom), she was also known as Monica of Hippo, was an early Christian saint and the mother of St. Augustine of Hippo.

Saint Augustine of Hippo
 430 AD, was a Roman African, early Christian theologian and philosopher from Numidia whose writings influenced the development of Western Christianity and made him as one of the most important Church Fathers in Western Christianity.

Saint Alypius of Thagaste
 He was a bishop of the see of Tagaste (Souk Ahras in Algeria) . He is also credited with building the first monastery in Africa. He was a lifelong friend of Saint Augustine of Hippo.

Faustus of Mileve
 was a Manichaean bishop of the fourth century.  He was from Milevis, Numidia (M’lila, Algeria). From a poor, pagan background, he had become a highly reputed teacher, preacher and debater.

 256 AD, was a Libyan presbyter and ascetic, and priest in Baucalis in Alexandria, Egypt. His teachings about the nature of the Godhead in Christianity, made him a primary topic of the First Council of Nicaea.

Donatus Magnus
 Born in Theveste (Tbessa in Algeria), he is also known as Donatus of Casae Nigrae, became leader of a schismatic Christian sect known as the Donatists in North Africa. He is believed to have died in exile around 355.

 He was a prolific early Christian author from Carthage in the Roman province of Africa of Amazigh/Berber origin, he was the first Christian author to produce an extensive corpus of Latin Christian literature.


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