Human Rights Watch Denounces Verdicts Against Rif Hirak Detainees



New York – Moroccan court Monday confirmed the heavy sentences against more than 54 protesters and activists from Rif ‘Hirak’ movement in Morocco’s neglected Rif region on charges including attacking police forces and in some cases burning vehicles and a police building.

Human Rights Watch organization said Friday’s verdict were very shocking and court should have weighed evidence that the police tortured the defendants when it reviewed their conviction and excluded any evidence evidence of torture and forced confessions. 

“Morocco’s doubling down on vengeance against activists will come back to bite, as popular outrage to government abuses spreads across the region.” said Sarah Leah Whitson, Middle East and North Africa director at Human Rights Watch.

Collectively, the Rif Hirak detainees will face sentences of more than 300 years, including 20 years for four detainees such as Nasser Zefzafi and Nabil Ahmjik. 15 years for three, 10 for seven, and so forth.


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