Amazigh Moors versus Afrocentrists: a Short Case Study Video


In this short video, Jamal Benhamou,  is aiming is to debunk the claims of the Afrocentrist movement seeking to claim and take credit for the history of the Moors who are ethnically Amazigh, and North African native for thousands of years.

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  1. I don’t think refuting the African centrists claim by stating that Imazighen (Moors) are white is correct.
    Skin color is just not part of our ethnic identity.
    There is no latitude which separates whites from blacks (in Africa).
    The Sahara (Tenere) has been historically inhabited by Kel Tamasheq (Touareg) who are Amazigh with dark to black skin.

  2. Personally, i think it was a good video. My big problem is not the statement that there were black moors, there are black people in north africa, and also there were black people among the moors, some as slaves, others as mercenaries, and also rulers, yes, some rulers in north africa could be called black by modern estandards. The problem is when some people go from that assertion (that there were black people in north africa) to every north african who is not black is an invader and have no right to be called african, maghrebi or amazigh. this is wrong because, it betrayes the diversity of africa. there are white amazigh there black amazigh… but all african. by the way i´m venezuelan, also a very diverse country, i´m facinated with world history, i think the amazigh culture, your culture is beautifull. i also think that some indigenous african people, who look white (like the chauis and kabyles) living along side darker skinned populations (like the tuareg) is beautiful because diversity is beautifull. Amazigh can be white, black, or somwhere between, and this is why they are so facinating, unfortunately afrocentrics can´t appreciate it, they are not even able to appreciate their own culture which saddens me, because they can´t appreciate the diversity of the cultures from africa and be happy with the fact that not all africans look the same, that continent just like humanity is beautiful partially because of that diversity. keep the good work Jamal Benjamou, very good video.

  3. Hi, I’m from Venezuela, nice video. To Mustapha Akebdan, I understand your point, however I think this rebuttal was necessary, not because there weren’t black people among the moors, or the amazigh, because there were. No, my problem, is when people go from that assertion, that there were black people in North Africa, to every north African who is not black is not native to Africa and cannot be accepted, this is just wrong, because doing it is racializing an entire continent, amazigh have always been diverse and non black amazigh are also part of north Africa, even the lightest in the rif and the atlas mountains like the cabilians, and the chawuis, are who are close to what is often considered white, are also considered indigenous, and most anthropologist consider that their ancestors have inhabited the Maghreb for thousands of years. And that diversity is beautiful, denying their role in the history of their communities is just not fair.


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