A Press Release on the Launch of the Amazigh Reversion Revolution in Canary Islands

Amazigh Reversion Revolution
Amazigh Reversion Revolution for North Africa & Canarias

LEEUWARDEN, Netherlands, January 2 – This coming Amazigh New Year “Yennayer 2971”, the flag of the Amazigh people will raise high into the skies, glistening with pride on the soil of the Canary Islands, casting an enchanting appeal upon the sacred cause of the Amazigh Reversion Revolution (ARR). The plight of the vernacular Tamazight-speaking world remains unaddressed under the oppressive regime of Spain and the ethnic antagonism of the Arab world. The Arabo-phones ought to practice forbearance from ostracism and unequivocalness in providing equality to the Amazigh.



Owing to this reason, the seed of ARR was sowed with great fervor which sprung up into a mighty oak tree that encapsulated volumes of the Tamazight from the length and breadth of the land with the goal to lift them to an elevated socio-economic and political status. All Amazigh are instigated to be in attendance on 12th of January, to accentuate their rights.

The Amazigh struggle goes beyond language as the community has been subject to marginalization stemming from communal polarization and political deadlocks in North Africa. Arabization has been a recurrent tool to shove the community’s traditional values into oblivion.

ARR also demands economic justice in the underdeveloped regions of North Africa where the native Amazigh reside. Despite the challenges, the Amazigh diaspora stands astride with their brethren in North Africa as an unyielding warrior who seeks recognition for his language and culture. The goal to materialize these dreams is tempered by positive reasoning and a sense of responsibility.



ARR anticipates, with great enthusiasm, the indigenous to overcome the modus vivendi of fear and looks forward to their graceful attendance on the aforementioned date.

About The Amazigh Union: 
The union floated the idea that the persistent taboo of fear and pessimism can be surmounted by giving way to an unflinching resolve that does not falter in any predicament. The Amazigh have been fomented to relinquish the unhealthy dynamic of subjugating to persecution. The union demands the inclusion of the Amazigh in the privileged social class guarantying representation in the Makhzen.

The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect Amazigh World News’ editorial views.

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Born & raised in Amsterdam, Dr. Kaat Azalam, is an Anthropologist, Amazigh change activist and chairman of NGO IFINC. Kaat is originally from the Sus, an Amazigh region in the southwestern of Morocco. "I consider myself as an Euro-Amazigh. Further more, I am one of the rare Arganheirs in the world. I have been active in the international Amazigh movement for almost 23 years, I lived for 5 years on the Canary Islands, Spain and New York."


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