Al Hoceima is Set for a Day of Mass Protest Despite Official Prohibition

Al Houceima

Al Houceima

[dropcap]E[/dropcap]ven as the Morocco regime announced in a statement that it will not allow such march to take place in in Al Hoceima and will not hesitate to take all frantic security measures to ensure the implementation of this decision, – from bringing in thousands more of riot police men from other locations, to closing off roads and shutting internet signal – all to deter the protesters from Rif popular movement ‘Hirak” and it’s supporters coming to Al Hoceima on July 20th for what is expected to be one of the largest peaceful demonstrations in Rif region history, progressive groups, on the other hand, are gearing up for protests that are equally impressive and will defy such “repressive” measures.[ads1]Thousands of Rif people, supporters and journalists from the north to the south of the country, and even from other countries, such as from Spain and Belgium will stream in, as all roads will lead to Al Hoceima, Thursday July 20th for a massive Anti-Government Protests—previously announced by Nasser Zafzafi the leader of Rif popular movement —against the mass arrests and detention, abuses in detention and the escalation of violent repression in northern Rif region by Morocco regime and to urge immediate and unconditional release of all Rif activists detainees.

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