Amazigh Language Committee Officially Formed within African Union

african union

ALGIERS – An Amazigh language committee has been officially formed at the African Union (AU), following a workshop meeting held in Addis Ababa from 29 to 31 October 2019. said the Algerian High Commission of Tamazight (HCA) in a statement released Saturday.

The AU committee unanimously approved the request by the Algerian delegation at UN, and stated that, “the Amazigh Language Commission fully reflects the spirit of the African Academy of Languages ​​as a working structure similar to the other 19 structures that work in coordination with the national structures of languages National communication in African countries. “

The Amazigh language committee will function under Acalan Academy
(languages body of the AU), and it will be composed of 10 seats, elected Pro. Youssef Nacib as coordinator representing Algeria, and Dr. Abdesslam Boumisser, as the general secretary representing Morocco.

According to the same source, the participants also proposed Adrar as the home headquarter for the newly created commission, Adrar is the home the home of Gourara and Touat Amazigh groups in the greater Sahara region of Algeria.


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