Amazigh World Assembly Calls Moroccan Central Bank to Include Tifinagh in Moroccan Currency

Moroccan Currency

The Amazigh World Assembly, AMA, an organization advocating for the recognition and preservation of the Amazigh language and culture, has written to Morocco’s central bank’s Wali, Abdellatif Jouahri, raising concerns about the exclusion of the Amazigh language using the old tifinagh script on Moroccan banknotes and coins.

The parliament voiced dissatisfaction with Bank Al-Maghrib’s “negligence and total exclusion of the Amazigh language, which is considered an official language of the country, alongside Arabic, according to the Moroccan constitution of July 1, 2011.”

According to the statement, Morocco passed a regulatory rule in 2019 mandating the use of the Amazigh language on currency and stamps, but it has yet to be implemented.

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