#Artmazigh Day Reconnects Amazigh Artists to Showcase their Heritage

Artmazigh day event poster. Photo: Safifesse/Twitter

From November 29 to 30, 2020, the Amazigh artists community across the globe took on social media under a unique hashtag #Artmazigh,  to showcase their identity and culture through art.



The goal of #Artmazigh Day was to create a virtual space for Amazigh artists where they could interact with people and share their artwork and stories inspired by Amazigh history and traditions.

“I was inspired by other hashtags on Twitter like #ArtMubarak for Muslim artists,” Safiya Zerrougui, an Amazigh illustrater and character designer based in Canada, who started #Artmazigh, told the media.



Amazigh meaning “the noble people” are the indigenous people of North Africa who populated the region known as “Tamazgha” -for thousands of years- which extend from the Oasis of Siwa in Egypt to the canary Island in the atlantic ocean.

The Amazigh people have spent decades fighting for cultural recognition in the predominantly-Arab region.  For years, Amazigh activists have been engaged in a battle against oppressive policies while also trying to promote measures that would help preserve and promote Amazigh identity and culture.



Many users admired the hashtag for giving Amazigh artists to showcase their cultural prides, as  well as an opportunity foreigners to learn more about the Amazigh heritage.

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Co-founder and editor at Amazigh World News


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