Breaking: Kamal Eddine Fekhar’s Grave Found Desecrated in Algiers


Algiers — The grave of the Amazigh activist and human rights defender Kamal Eddine Fekhar has been desecrated, his wife Madame. Zahira Fekhar discovered Thursday.”

“In a very daring and provocative act, the grave of my beloved husband Kamal Eddine Fekhar was subjected to a serious attack and almost a total destruction by strangers,” Zahira said in a statement posted on Facebook. 

She added, “Should my children and I consider moving the remnants of my husband Kamal Eddine Fekhar out of the country so he can rest in peace? “

She also indicated that,  the family lawyer will be filing a complaint against the perpetrator (s) of this crime.

On 28 May 2019, Kamal Eddine Fekhar died in a hospital near the capital Algiers. He had spent almost 2 months in the prison of Ghardaia on an open-ended hunger strike, along with Hadj Ibrahim Aouf. Both human rights defenders have been subjected to medical negligence.


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