Call For Entries: New York Forum of Amazigh Film Festival


Amazigh film
By Soubeika Bahri
NYFAF program coordinator

New York Forum of Amazigh Film Festival (NYFAF) will return for its fifth edition on May 9-10, 2019 at LaGuardia Performing Arts Center in Queens, New York. NYFAF offers a unique platform to discover North African culture and to showcase the cinematic works of its people with particular focus on films created about Imazighen, the indigenous people of the region.

NYFAF will host a series of film screenings, panel discussions and art exhibitions throughout two days. The theme of the festival this year is North African Identities. What constitutes a North African identity? What does it have in common with other identities? What does the Amazigh component play in the construction of this identity? Is a north-African de-facto an Amazigh? These are some of the questions we would like to explore in this year’s edition.

Keeping quality and diversity in mind, NYFAF is now calling for submissions of films under four categories: Feature documentaries and films, and short documentaries and films. As always, NYFAF is open to engage the work of both local and diasporic filmmakers, amateur filmmakers, artists, journalists, and film critics. If you have questions you can reach us at: [email protected]

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