Census Bureau may count people from Middle Eastern or North African for the first time

Census Bureau

Census BureauThe US Census Bureau will count for the first time people from of “Middle Eastern or North African” decent, as a separate category. However, they might Include Amazigh people, Kurdish people, Nubians, Turkmens, Persians and others, alongside Arabs. Which risks counting them eventually as Arabs.

“The parameters of the test category have angered leaders representing Amazigh Americans, a diaspora of the pre-Arabic peoples of North Africa more commonly known as Berbers. Soumia Aitelhaj, a Massachusetts-based activist who talked to Census officials about the change, said that grouping her people with Middle Easterners misrepresents their cultural identity and could fuel discrimination.“It’s like a war of identities,” said Ms. Aitelhaj.”

“Test results, due next summer, will influence whether the federal government decides to add the category to the 2020 Census. A decision must be made by early 2018.” Those parameters are not decided yet, so If you are an Amazigh American, please contact the Census Bureau and make your voice heard.



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