Co- President of CMA Sentenced to 5 Years in Prison in Algeria

kamira nait sid
kamira nait sid

On December 16, 2022, co-president Kamira Nait Sid received five-year and five-year prison sentence without parole in the Algiers suburb of Dar El Beida.

Kamira Nait Sid is the co-president of the World Amazigh Congress CMA, an international NGO defending the rights of the Amazigh people. The mission of the WAC is to ensure the defense and promotion of political, economic, social, cultural, historical and civil rights of the Amazigh people.

Kamira was abducted from her home in Draa-Ben-Kheddaas On 24 August 2021, in northern Algeria and detained at an unknown location without any contact with her family or a lawyer for three days.

On the morning of 1 September 2021, she was accompanied by her lawyers was presented to the Public Prosecutor and later to the investigation judge at Sidi M’Hamed Court in Alger. The charges brought against Kamira Nait Sid include “undermining national unity and state security” and “belonging to a terrorist organization” under Article 87 bis of the Penal code which carry penalties ranging from 10 years to life imprisonment and the death penalty.


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