Los Angeles Amazigh Community Commemorates Amazigh Spring

Amazigh spring

Amazigh spring

Los Angeles (AWN) Sihem Aiteche,

To Commemorate the 36th Anniversary of the Amazigh spring “Tafsut n Imazighen”, The Amazigh Community of Los Angeles is organizing an event to pay homage to those who made the ultimate sacrifice in the process of saving the Amazigh identity in Kabyle region.

The event will be held on Sunday April 17th from 12:30pm at Nibley Park located at 1103 E Mountain avenue. Glendale , CA 91207.

In addition to the potluck picnic lunch, the event will feature the well known Kabyle singer Mohand Roussi as well as games for kids and many other surprises to announce along the way.

For additional information contact Sihem at [email protected] or send text to 818-919-4555

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