Moroccan Parliament Votes to End the Existence of Royal Institute of Amazigh Culture

IRCAM was founded on October 17, 2001 under a royal decree of King Mohammed VI

Rabat – The Education, Culture and Communication Committee of the Moroccan House of Representatives voted Tuesday on a regulatory bill no. 04.16 concerning the National Council of Moroccan Languages and Culture.

The vote ended the existence of the Royal Institute of Amazigh Culture IRCAM and the Institute for Research and Studies for the Arabization, which both became part of the National Council for Amazigh Languages and Culture.


The bill was passed in a second attempt after it was referred to the first chamber of the House of Councillors, with a majority of 18 deputies and  only 5 voted against it, all from from the Authenticity and Modernity party.

As a result, the Amazigh movement in Morocco have quickly expressed their frustration, strongly rejecting what they described as an ‘assassination” of the only Academic institution ever created by the King of Morocco on 2001, with the aim to preserve and promote the Amazigh language and culture.


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