Movement for the Autonomy of Rif Condems Governement Response to Continuous Earthquakes in Rif

Movement for the Autonomy of Rif


Movement for the Autonomy of Rif

Following the continuous succession of earthquakes in the region of Rif, the Movement for the Autonomy of Rif (MAR) released a statement calling for promotion of solidarity among the Rifians people including  it’s support of all forms of protest against marginalization and social exclusion as well as it’s full endorsement for social equality and economic justice demands.

On the other hand, the Movement condemned the inadequate government response to the continuous succession of earthquakes since January 2016.

Recent earthquakes in Rif region, which caught the local population unprepared, have raised fears that authorities are turning a blind eye to warnings from scientists about the scale of the danger facing the entire region.

The first and strongest quakes rocked the Northern city of Al Hoceima on January 25. occurred in very early morning as people were sleeping.”People didn’t know what to do,” local journalist told AWN. “There was no information on TV or radio, even though the tremors were extensive and recurred for hours. They sparked incredible rumours and panic.”

What angered Rifians people is that earthquakes scientists predicted of more tremors will certainly recur in future.” and notified the authorities. They say warnings went unheeded.

In conclusion, the Movement for the Autonomy of Rif affirm the need to continue fight for the Autonomy as the only the solution for a new political and democratic tool where Rifians assume themselves to manage their regional affairs and the development of their region after failure from the politics of the centre.

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