Nasser Zefzafi Sews His Mouth Shut in Protest

Nasser Zefzafi


Casablanca – April 8 – Nasser Zefzafi, leader of Rif Hirak movement who has been sentenced to 20 years in jail for leading peaceful demonstrations in Morocco’s neglected Rif region against corruption and unemployment, has started this morning a hunger strike with his month sewn at the the Oukacha Prison in Casablanca.

“We’ve received a letter from him today by his inmate, in which he expressed that, he had no choice but to sew his mouth to protest for being deprived of rights to freedom, “the militarization” of the Rif region, lack of medical care and poor conditions of detention. ”  Wrote his father Ahmed Zefzafi on his Facebook account.

Late Friday night, The Casablanca Court of Appeal has upheld the verdicts handed down by the Court of First Instance on Tuesday 26 June 2018 against 54 detainees from the Rif Hirak movement, and the journalist Hamid Mehdaoui. Collectively, the defendants will face sentences of more than 300 years, including 20 years for four detainees such as Nasser Zefzafi and Nabil Ahmjik. 15 years for three, 10 for seven, and so forth.




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