New Book: The Popular Hirak In The Rif


A new book titled “The Popular Hirak In The Rif” has been published about the popular protest movement known as “Hirak Rif” that emerged in that emerged in Morocco’s neglected Rif region in October 2016 after the tragic death of a fish vendor, named Mouhcine Fikri, who was crushed to death in a garbage truck while trying to retrieve his confiscated fishes by the Moroccan authorities.

The book was authored by Achraf Bellaali and published by Graficas Alhambra edition in both Arabic and English versions.  Introduction to the book was made by Nabil Ahamjik -sentenced currently for 20 years in jail- who’s considered as one of the founding members of the “Hirak” movement.

In this book, effort has been made to introduce the Rif “Hirak” movement to the world  in forms of dozens of photographs documenting every step of the movement in a chronological timeline.


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