Solidarity Rally for Rif in New York


On July 1, 2017 from 2PM to 5PM, the U.S support committee of the Rif People movement and the Amazigh Movement in USA will host a rally at Union square in New York in solidarity with the Rif people in the face of escalating repression and arbitrary detention of Rif movement leaders by the Moroccan regime. To get in touch with the organizers follow the Facebook event by clicking here.  [ads1]

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Amazigh world news is an Amazigh news and commentary website dedicated to providing News Stories, Articles & Information for & about Indigenous Amazigh People of North Africa.


  1. Why do I hear about things only after they happen. If I know beforehand I can plan to attend and mobilize other indigenous support groups to send messages of solidarity if they cant atend in person. Zouhir, I need to talk on the phone with you. Thanks for the info. Shirley

      • Good, Zouhir, Please send me more details so i can do what i can. I have a yung guy who is my representative at the >U>N>and is going to the Indigenous conference in Peru in my place. D you know about this rock art and ethnography conference in Cuzco in Augiust and are anyonefromthe Rif  or supporters in the diaspora ging in August. They may pay expenses for someone from Morocco. Did Helene tell you about this. Please google Ifrao con. or Rock art And ethnograhy conference or googlethe Cochibamba Manifesto to tell you whats going on in Latin and South America. The American Indian Movement knows but always the Amazighen are not present at important meetings. But there is nowa Tuareg EWoman head of the Permanent Forum at the U>N> and I told Brodi Sigurdson of Staff at the U>N> to inform her when I told him to support  you about the troublein the Rif. Where is the film festival. Lesley college in Cambridge or at Tufts college. I need to know to get good accomadations closeby forthe invited film makers, Helene and myself through my friends in Cambridge, Linda Cabot Blck who lives in Cambridge near Harvard Square. Pleasekeepmeinformed soon, as I just had an operation, involved at the U.N> with major effort to make a ban on all nuclear weapons and Im oldand tired. Im happy to do What I can, but lack info. Thamnks. I look forward to seeing people at the rallynext week when hopefully you will be there and get me caught up. Yure doing supurb work, Zouhir’ Keep it up   Best, Shirley


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