Statement By ASC: The War Against Amazigh of Libya

Amazigh of Libya

Libya | Amazigh Supreme Council ASC continues to monitor closely the grave violations committed against Amazigh of Libya among them, the recent kidnapping in Benghazi of Mr. Rabi Al-Jaiash of the city of Qala, by the Arab Army Militias lead by Haftar, on the bases of Mr. Al-Jaiash‘s speaking and writing in Tamazight language. Furthermore, the recent kidnapping, torture, and threat of murder in the foothills of Nafusa Mountain, of an Ibadi imam and his associate of the town of Tendmira, on the bases of their Ibadi affiliation, by terrorist militias of the so called Dignity Operation. On those accounts, ASC declares that;

1- The so called Arab Army and its commander, had become a direct threat to the Amazigh people in Libya, due to the stance of the Amazigh people that rejects the return of dictatorial military rule and rejects the terrorist ideology.

2- ASC calls the international community to assume their legal responsibility on protecting the Amazigh civilians in Libya, in accordance with the international treaties and conventions signed by the state of Libya.

3- ASC calls all Libyans to refuse and reject all forms of racial and religious hatred, and their resulting incitement of conflicts and threat to the social peace in Libya.

4- ASC calls all the Amazigh people to be aware of grave threats to the security situation, the plots planned by certain racists and their attempts to implant conflict among our people. Furthermore, we urge you to enforce your positions against those plots threatening our region‘s security and stability.

See Original Statement here


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