Thousands Expected To Attend Izem’s 40th day Death Anniversary in Ikniwen

Omar Khalek

Omar Khalek

Thousands of people are expected to hit village Ikniwen near Tinghir, this weekend for the 40th day death Anniversary of Omar Khalek known as Izem.

Izem was just 27 years old when he was pronounced dead on arrival at Hospital few days after the brutal attack by the barbarian mercenaries of the Polisario Front inside Cadi Ayyad University in Marrakech, Morocco.

One day after it was created, the Amazigh movement committee on assassinations held many public meetings across the country to denounce Izem’s murder and has been working hard for weeks to prepare for the one-day long event that will commemorate his life.

Several events are planned for the big day, including rallies, meeting, release of a collective poems book , and a group visit to the tomb of Izem. There are similar events planned for the same occasion in many cities and towns in Morocco and across the world.

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