Today In History: Remembering Kadi Kaddour

kadi kaddour
Kadi Kaddour (1952 - 1995)

Born on 1952 in Ait Sidal, Eastern of the Rif region and Passed away on 15 September 1995 in a tragic car accident. His death came as a shock to both those who knew him in person and those who knew him through his work.


To those who have never heard of him before today, Kaddour kadi was a professor of French and Theoretical Linguistics at the University of Fes (Morocco) and has always been active in the Tamazight area.

In Morocco where the teaching of Amazigh language ‘Tamazight’ was still not permitted in any school or university, professors such as Kaddour Cadi managed to carry out research in Amazigh studies with many of their graduate students.

Professor Kadi was a great advocate for the Amazigh language, in a paper written about the importance of the mother tongue, Kadi Kaddour explain that, 

“ can learn as many languages as you want but start first with your mother tongue”

has published about twenty articles on Tamazight, some of which were presented at international conferences, and has written a book on Riffian verbal system.

A founder of the “Etudes Linguistiques” research group of the University of Fes, Professor Kadi was a paragon of dedication to the promotion of the Amazigh language and culture in North Africa and Europe.

In addition to his academic work and presentations in professional meetings, a two-month invitation to the Netherlands [hosted by the Department of General Linguistics of the University of Amsterdam] allowed him to give a series of conferences and interviews.


During his stay, he elaborated a number of projects in collaboration with the Ministry of Education to implement the teaching of Tamazight in that country.

Although Professor Kadi has left us, his work and words will remain an invaluable source of knowledge and inspiration. He will always be cherished in our hearts. As an homage to his significant scholarly contributions, commitment, and devotion to the advancement of the Amazigh language.


· Cadi, Kaddour. 1981. “Le verbe en tarifit: Formes, structures et valence.” [The verb in Tarifit: Forms, structures and valance. Franz.]Diss. Paris III. 511 S. plus corpus 133 S.
· Cadi, Kaddour . 1985. “Valence et dérivation verbale en tarifit.” [Valance and verbal derivation in Tarifit. Franz.] Awal 1: 11-123.
· Cadi, Kaddour. 1987. “Prépositions et rections en tarifit (Nord marocaine).” [Prepositions et rections in Tarifit (northern Moroccan. Franz.] EDB 3: 67-75.
· Cadi, Kaddour. 1987. Système verbal rifain: Form et sense (Nord-Marocain). [Rifan verbal system: Form and meaning (Northern Moroccan). Franz.] (Études ethno-linguistiques Maghreb-Sahara, 6.) Paris: SELAF. 178S., Tabellen, bibliography.
· Cadi, Kaddour. 1989. “Structure de la phrase et ordre des mots en tarifit.” [Structure of the phrase and order of the word order in Tarifit. Franz.] EDB 6: 41-59.
· Cadi, Kaddour. 1990. “Pour un retour d’exil du sujet lexical en linguistique berbère.” [In favour of a return from the exile of the lexical subject matter of Berber linguisitcs. Franz.] Awal édition spreciale: 233-242.
· Cadi, Kaddour . 1990. “Questions de syntaxe en berbère tarifit.” [Questions of syntax in Tarifit Berber. Franz.] EDB 7: 182-184.
· Cadi, Kaddour. 1990. Transitivité et diathèse en tarifit: Analyse de quelques relations de dépendance lexicales et syntaxiques. [Transitivity and diathesis in Tarifit: Analysis of some relations depending on lexics and syntax. Franz.] Paris: Sorbonne Nouvelle. 524S.
· Cadi, Kaddour . 1991. “Sujet et prédications non verbale en rifain.” [Subject and non-verbal predication in Rifan. Franz.] EDB 8: 79-95.
· Cadi, Kaddour . 1993. “Une “cause” peut en cacher une autre ou le problème d’agentivité en berbère.” In À la croisée des études libyco-berbère: Mélanges offerts à Paulette Galand-Pernet et Lionel Galand, hrsgb. v. J. Drouin und A. Roth, S. 177-194.

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