Zineb Bouchra Recreates Famous Arts with an Amazigh Touch

Zineb Bouchra
Zineb Bouchra’s recreation of a portrait by the Mexican painter Frida Kahlo, using Amazigh face tattoos and jewelry

Moroccan Amazigh artist Zineb Bouchra recreates some of the world’s most famous paintings and images by incorporating traditional Amazigh clothing, jewelry and old face tattoos.

Originally from Agadir, Zineb Bouchra is an 18-year-old Moroccan artist who’s currently lives in Tetouan, in northern Morocco, where she attends the well known Institute of Fine Arts.



Zineb has chosen to recreate many famous works of such as Leonardo Da Vinci’s archetypal portrait masterpiece, the Mona Lisa, and the amazing self-portrait of Mexican legend Frida Kahlo.

In many of her recreations, Zineb uses a various of Amazigh clothing, jewelry, old Amazigh face tattoos and even some traditional vessel and serving dish to promote Amazigh culture, history, and lifestyle.




Zineb Bouchra’s recreation of the Columbia Pictures logo, holding a Moroccan tajine cover as a torch.


Zineb Bouchra’s recreation of a portrait by the Mexican painter Frida Kahlo, using Amazigh face tattoos and jewelry.


Zineb Bouchra’s recreation of Leonardo Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa, wearing Moroccan traditional clothes and Amazigh jewelry while holding a glass of Moroccan mint tea.


Zineb Bouchra recreating the painting of Dutch Baroque Period painter Johannes Vermeer. / Ph. Zineb Bouchra
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