Boston’s Amazigh New Year Celebration is Set for this Saturday Jan. 15


Less than 5 days away from the Amazigh new year event this Saturday in Boston. The event is organized annually since 2008 by the the Amazigh cultural network in America (ACNA) in collaboration with Boston Amazigh Community (BAC).

The event will take place January 15th from 6pm till 10pm at the Arts at the armory located at 191 Highland Ave in the city of Somerville. The event has the purpose of promoting the Amazigh culture in America by celebrating the first day of the agrarian calendar year used since ancient times by Amazigh people throughout North Africa.

The celebration offers a wide selection of activities and performances and there’s something for everyone in the family to enjoy such as live Amazigh music featuring both local and international Amazigh artists, Henna tattoos, Moroccan mint tea and sweets, traditional Berber dances and so many more surprises.

This year’s event is particularly special as there will be No food served due to COVID restrictions. There will, however, be hot tea with mint, traditional sweets, folkloric dances and lots of live Amazigh Music representing both Morocco’s Souss and Atlas region, as well as the Algerian kabyle music and many more musical styles.

Seats are limited to only 150 guests, half of the hall capacity (400). All necessary procedures will be enforced including indoor masking, vaccination mandate and social distancing.

Click on this link to purchase your ticket;

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Amazigh world news is an Amazigh news and commentary website dedicated to providing News Stories, Articles & Information for & about Indigenous Amazigh People of North Africa.


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