Member of Morocco Parliament: King Hassan II Was Right When He Referred to Riffian People as “Scumbags”

Khadija Ziyani

Member of the Moroccan parliament, Khadija Ziyani’s Facebook wall has gone viral after she made a racist statement during which she labeled the Riffian people as “Awbash,” , “scumbags.”.

Ziyani posted the following remark on her Facebook page,

King Hassan II was right when he referred – in one of his famous speeches – to the indigenous Riffian people as Scumbags (Awbach) on 1984.

The post follows a petition created, by a group of activist, urging the leaders of Ziyani’s party to dismiss her from her role as parliamentarian and charge her with allegedly threatening the unity and stability of Morocco and calling for racial discrimination.

Khadija Ziyani

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