Nasser Zefzafi And His Inmates Decide to Renounce Moroccan Citizenship and Pledge of Allegiance to the King


El Hoceima – In a Facebook live video on Friday, August 23th, Zefzafi’s father, Ahmed Zefzafi, shared a letter from the imprisoned Hirak activists announcing their definite decision to renounce their Moroccan citizenship as well as the pledge of allegiance to the Moroccan king.

Nasser leader of Rif Hirak is currently serving a 20 years in Morocco prison on charges of “plotting to undermine the security of the state”. according to The Casablanca Court of Appeal.

Same court, on June 26, 2018, has upheld the verdicts handed down by the Court of First Instance against 54 detainees from the Rif Hirak movement, and the journalist Hamid Mehdaoui. Collectively, the defendants will face sentences of more than 300 years, including 20 years for four detainees such as Nasser Zefzafi and Nabil Ahmjik. 15 years for three, 10 for seven, and so forth.


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