China Hubei University broadens the horizons of Amazigh language teaching

Tilelli Bellal
Tilelli Bellal

Tilelli Bellal, 28, a young professor of the Amazigh language who hails from the Kabyle region in northern Algeria, was approached by Mr. Wang, the rector at Hubei University in Wuhan province in China, with a job offer of teaching Tamazight language remotely to their Chinese students. 



Telili, meaning Freedom in Tamazight language, is now working 7 hours a day, mostly at night time, due the time difference. “At first it was a little difficult because of the time difference, but i quickly adapted to the situation because for me it is more of a mission than a paid job”. says Telilli Bilal.



While the Amazigh teaching interest foreign countries and communities, it is very shame to say that, there are many voices in the native North African countries, such as in Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Libya, who are against implementing the teaching of Amazigh language in public schools. 

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