Ait Mzab detainees suffer terrible serving conditions in Algerian prison

kamal Fekhar carrying a picture of Matoub Lounes
kamal Fekhar carrying a picture of Matoub Lounes
kamal Fekhar carrying a picture of Matoub Lounes

Ghardaia (AWN) |
 After receiving thier first visit in prison since the arbitrary arrest, Amazigh Militant Dr Kamel Fekhar and his fellow inmates (according to lawyers collective) each person is placed in isolated cells for 20 hours per day. many of these cells are illuminated only be artificial light and offer no exposure to natural daylight, they dont even have the right to defend themselves in a court of law as well as restrictions on communication with members of thier families.
Dr Fekhar, whose health condition is bad and it’s getting worse and worse, he has been deprived of the air conditioning system knowing that the temperature gets extremely hot during this time of the year in the Sahara Desert south of Algeria.
Lack of Treatment and health care is also the case of his comrade Qasim Soufghanem, who is already suffering from chronic hepatitis B infection (HBV) and severe Diabetes complications.
The Mzab detainees (According to LC) salute the mobilization of the Kabyles and of all Amazigh organizations and movements around the world, and urge the international community to support Ait Mzab people in their fight against discrimination and possible genocide.

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