Amazigh American Community Endorses Ihssane leckey’s Bid for Congress

Ihssane leckey

Boston – The Amazigh American Community, today endorsed Ihssane leckey (Democratic Party) for election to the U.S. House to represent Massachusetts’ 4th Congressional District.

Ihssane ,34, came to the U.S. from Morocco at the age of 20 with nothing but a small suitcase and worked sub-minimum wage jobs to become the first person in her family to graduate from college. Following the 2008 financial crisis, her commitment to justice led her to take on the corrupt corporations as a Wall Street regulator at the Federal Reserve. 

“We need leaders who represent our diversity and our courage, who aren’t afraid to take on corrupt special interests and who know how to get it done.” Leckey said.



The Amazigh American Community’s endorsement adds to a growing list of leaders and community organizations who support Leckey’s bid for Congress, including Congresswoman Ilhan Omar.

I am honored to receive @IlhanMN’s endorsement. Her courage and relentless fight on behalf of working families, people of color, immigrants and Muslims is an inspiration to me and millions of people across this country who are fighting to create an inclusive and just democracy.” Ihssane posted on her twitter page.

As Congresswoman, Ihssane is willing to fight to bring power back to working people, immigrant communities, communities of color, that guarantees justice and dignity for all. She has taken on powerful corporations as a Wall Street regulator and won’t accept a dollar from corporate PACs or lobbyists.

Ihssane resides in Brookline in Massachusetts with her daughter Nora, husband Sean and their dog Benji.

For more news about Ihsane’s race to the congress and if you can contribute to her campaign, please visit , “Like” her page on Facebook and follow her campaign on Twitter @ihssaneleckey.


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Co-founder and editor at Amazigh World News


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