Amazigh-Americans Launches Campaign to Help People of Atlas Mountains

Atlas Mountains

[dropcap]A[/dropcap]s the people of Atlas Mountains in Morocco struggle through the devastation of a major snowfall, and resulting humanitarian crisis, Amazigh-Americans is launching a relief campaign to assist charities on the ground providing assistance for those affected.

For almost a month, massive snowfall has blanketed many areas in of the High and Middle Atlas Mountains, leaving people stranded, without heat, food or water and battling the bitter cold.

Many poor families cannot afford basic items like fire woods, blankets, warm cloths, medications and other supplies and our goal is to fund raise money to try to help these families and keep their children warm, healthy and safe during winter.

The aim is to provide as much basic winter supplies as possible and help the affected poor communities to recover and return to a normal life following what has been a devastating month.

Please support the campaign at


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