In Pictures: Assassination of Prominent Amazigh Activist Omar khaleq in Marrakesh ignites Outrage

Omar Khaleq

The assasination of the prominent Amazigh militant and human rights activist Omar khaleq in Marrakesh last week by the barbarian mercenaries of Polisario Front has ignited waves of outrage, protests and accusations in Morocco.

Omar Khaleq or Izm was brutally beaten to death during a debate event known as “Halaqiya” on Wednesday. The murder ignited a wave of protests and anger among the Amazigh community worldwide. . The Amazigh Cultural Movemenet MCA denounced the murder as a planned political assassination, urging people to take into the streets to condemn both the assassination and the Moroccan governement for remaining  silent on the brutal attack as well as their political and economical favoritism toward Sahraoui’s over the rest of other citizens.

Omar Khaleq

Omar Khaleq

Omar Khaleq


Omar Khaleq

Omar Khaleq

Omar Khaleq

Omar Khaleq

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