Morocco’s new digital ID sparks anger over missing Amazigh language

cin maroc

Rabat – On Thursday, Morocco has announced its latest plans to develop the new Moroccan identity card, with a revised look and fancier security features, however, the greatest surprise was that, the new ID did not include the Amazigh language, despite it’s official recognition in the Moroccan constitution.

The new card has sparked a big anger among the Amazigh community across the globe, Amazigh World Assembly (AMA), issued a statement describing this new step as a continuing acts of discrimination against the Amazigh language and a huge violation of the Moroccan constitution, which names Tamazight as an official language in the nation back on 2011. AMA has called Morocco’s Interior Ministry for a rectification review prior issuing the final document. 

The law, designed to cement the use of Amazigh — alongside Arabic — by government administration, local authorities, public services, schools and in cultural life. The Amazigh World Assembly (AMA) is an international organization that defends the rights of indigenous Amazigh people, founded by a group of Amazigh activists on 2011 in Brussels, electing Rachid Raha as its first president.


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Amazigh world news is an Amazigh news and commentary website dedicated to providing News Stories, Articles & Information for & about Indigenous Amazigh People of North Africa.


  1. Moroccan government shouldn’t do the wrong thinks to moroccans Amazigh people,this is bad and it is making the amazigh people to no believe in the state.
    All the amazighs people in Morocco should go on strike until the government is forced to include the amazigh writing on the identite carts that is agreed.Looking at the carte d’identite written on arab and french make us look foreign in our own country.Amazight language must be writen on the identites cards,pasports and all the parts writen in arabic and french.What is good for arabs is good for amazigh


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