On the road 96 movement decided to make an end of 9 years of protests in Imider


Imider — Movement on the road ’96, or “Amussu xf Ubrid n ’96”,  the longest sit-in Africa’s modern history, announced today in a statement, to make an end of their nine years protest on top of Mount Alebban in southeastern Morocco, protesting against the exploitation of water resources by the mining giant Managem.

“For the last nine years we have had numerous of harassment, serious threat of physical violence and dozens of arbitrary arrest against the activists, in addition to the lack of support and the absence of hope among the poor villagers.” says the movement when citing the causes which have led to this decision.

“Due to all this and more, we thought it is now time to initiate a series of debates we were long thinking of with the rest of villagers. At end, we have all voluntarily agreed -with deep regret- to make and end of this long journey,  but never give up the fight.” Movement added.

Amussu xf Ubrid n ’96 is an environmental and social movement comprised of peasants, workers, shepherds and unemployed youth. The Movement was founded in reaction to the depletion of their aquifers and pollution by Africa’s biggest silver mine; as well as for employment and basic social infrastructures in one of the poorest regions in the country.


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Co-founder and editor at Amazigh World News


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