Series of Suspicious Wildfires Rage Across the Kabyle Region

Map Photo by The Copernicus Emergency Management Service (EMS)

The Kabyle region in northern Algeria is battling raging wildfires all across its region and main cities including Bejaia and Tizi Ouzzou, which started on Monday night. The fires, which almost broke out one after another in one day but all in different spots, have killed many people and triggered concerns that they might be the result of a string of arson attack.

Several villages and neighborhoods were surrounded by wild fires, while Berbere TV announced that more than 65 people have died from burns and smoke inhalation. In some places, the Kabyle people have found themselves fighting the fires on their own, spraying water through hoses and buckets. The fires also led to mass deaths of livestock in rural areas while locals struggled to lead their herds to safety.


Wildfires are common in Kabyle’s Mediterranean and nearby regions during the arid summer months, although some forest fires have been blamed on arson including this current wildfire where there has been rumors about the central ruling regime starting the wildfires.

“Only criminal hands can be behind the simultaneous outbreak of about 50 fires across several towns,” said Assaid. k who had fled with his family from the village of Azagza. Other witnesses have also noticed some unusual activities of two military Helicopters flying over the Kabyle region only few hours before the wildfires broke out.

The Amazigh-speaking region of Kabyle is the most politicized region in Algeria, with a heightened awareness of its distinct identity. The region has a history of agitation against the central government dating back to the 1960s, soon after Algeria became independent from France. In the 1980s, young Kabyles led a movement for official recognition of the Berber language and culture which drew a repressive regime reaction lasting for many years.

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Co-founder and editor at Amazigh World News


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