Statement by the ASC on Libya’s Amazigh Struggle Against “dictator Haftar”


The text of the following statement on Libya’s Amazigh was released by the Amazigh Supreme Council of Libya (ASC); the main elected political body that represents the Libyan Amazigh ethnic minority.

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We pray for our martyrs and the martyrs of Libya, whom gave the ultimate sacrifice for the creation of a state of justice and rule of law. We wish a quick recovery for the injured. We highly praise the efforts of our revolutionary and military heroes at the front lines to deter the military coup led by the war criminal Khalifa Hafter.

The Amazigh Supreme Council is surprised by the resolution of the Government on National Accord, by which, it released the convicted criminal Albaghdadi Almahmoudi, sentenced to capital punishment. Whom contributed directly to repress the February 17 revolution, incited on attacking the Amazigh city of Zuwara and committing war crimes in the city.

The Amazigh Supreme Council does not recognize the resolution of the release, that was issued for political reasons in violation of the Libyan law. Therefore, the criminal Albaghdadi Almahmoudi is a wanted person in the Amazigh regions, and we call all security authorities to take all legal actions against him.

Tripoli, July 21, 2019


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