Thousands Expected To Attend Mouhcine Fikri’s 40th day Death Anniversary in Al Hoceima

Mouhcine Fikri

Mouhcine FikriTens of thousands of people are expected to hit the streets of Al Hoceima this weekend for the 40th day of the tragic death anniversary of Mouhcine Fikri.

Mouhcine Fikri, 31, a fish seller was reportedly crushed to death — on the evening of Friday Oct. 28 in the northern city of Al-Hoceima— by a compactor after he jumped into a garbage truck trying to retrieve confiscated merchandise by Moroccan Authorities.

Fikri’s death has prompted thousands of people to take to the streets for weeks of protests in Al-Hoceima and other region including the capital Rabat to protest against ‘Hogra’, a Moroccan term referring to official abuse and injustice.

Several events are planned for the big day, including rallies, meeting, fundraising and a group visit to the tomb of Mouhcine Fikri. There are similar events planned for the same occasion in many cities and towns in Morocco and across the world.

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