Amazigh Supreme Council in Libya, Statement 3 of year 2015/2965


Amazigh Supreme Council in Libya StatementStatement 3 of the Amazigh Supreme Council in Libya in regard of its position on the agreement between Libya’s two rival governments, was signed in Skhirat, Morocco on Thursday, December 17th, 2015.

The Statement below was developed by Amazigh Supreme Council in Libya

“In response to the involvement of the International Community and the conflict sides in Libya, concerning the exclusion of the only legitimate representative of the Amazigh People in Libya which is formed in accordance with the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, from all the sessions of the talks; and to avert attempts to manipulate the Amazigh voice to support and legitimize the outcomes of those exclusionist talks; we d.lare to the local public opinion and to the international community that;

1. The Amazigh Supreme Council, warns that its legitimacy and authority vested to it by the voters is a red line, and a sacred responsibility, that will be protected by all its moral and physical abilities, in means that deters manipulators trying to undermine the legitimate rights of Amazigh People and their full partnership in this country.

2. The Amazigh Supreme Council, does not oppose nor supports the outcomes of Skhirat talks, as well as the outcomes of any other talks, unless the Council did effectively take part in those talks. Furthermore, The council will firmly face any imposter trying to embroil our brave Amazigh revolutionaries, or our civilian institutions, in the conflict of the power and influence seekers. ”

Tripoli; 22.12.2015

Amazigh Supreme Council


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