Guardian Journalist Expelled From Morocco Over Report On Rif Protests



A journalist of the British daily The Guardian, Saeed Kamali Dehghan, was expelled on Thursday (September 28th) by the Moroccan authorities while he was reported in the town of Al-Hoceima, a region in the north of the kingdom shaken since almost a year by a vast movement of popular protest know as “Hirak”.

The British newspaper said after he landed in London; “Saeed Kamali Dehghan is safe and well and has returned to London, We are surprised that a respected Guardian correspondent reporting in Morocco was told to leave the country, and we are looking into the circumstances in more detail,” The Guardian said in a statement.

On the other hand, Morocco’s communication minister said on Friday that a journalist for Britain’s newspaper was expelled because he had been working in a tense region of the country without a permit.

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