Harvard Journal: Hicham Alaoui Discussing Current Trends in North Africa Including the Rif Crisis

Hicham Alaoui

Hicham Alaoui , Visiting Fellow at Harvard’s Weather head Center for International Affairs, sits down with Anna Boots, Editor-in-Chief of the Harvard Journal for Middle East Politics and Policy, to discuss current trends in North African politics, including Tunisia’s nascent democracy, North Africa’s unique position in the Middle East region, and ongoing protests in Morocco’s Rif region.

Prince Hicham Alloaui of Morocco is the first cousin of the current King Mohammed VI, he is known as “Red Prince” because of his progressive political positions. More recently, he has become an outspoken advocate for greater democracy in Morocco and the broader Middle East. He regularly speaks on these issues at public forums around the world, among them the University of Harvard University and Yale University. He has also published numerous essays on political reform and democracy in English, French, and Arabic language journals and newspapers.


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