Libyan Amazigh Woman Activist Named 2016 Recipient of Luxembourg Peace Prize

Asma Khalifa

By Inas Miloud

The Amazigh Woman Activist Asma Khalifa from Libya has been awarded Luxembourg Peace Prize as the Outstanding Youth Peace Maker.

The Luxembourg Peace Prize is a recognition to Khalifa’s contributions in the world as a key player to support peace-building, promoting peace and conflict resolution!

Beside her work in sustaining peace, Asma Khalifa is a prominent young women’s rights activist and a co-founder of Tamazight Women’s Movement.

Find more information about Asma’s work here:

Asma Khalifa
Asma Khalifa
[author image=”” ]Inas Miloud is co-founder and director of Tamazight women’s Mouvment, an organization concerned with gender and ethnicity identities in Libya. [/author]

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