Statue of Amazigh king Shishong to be erected in Tizi Ouzzou

King Shishong Statue

A large statue of the iconic Amazigh king Shishong, 943–922 BC, is soon to be erected in Tizi Ouzou, the main city in Kabyle region on the the first day of the Amazigh New Year.


The statue of the great Shishong, which will be placed near the grand museum of the city on January 14th,  is designed by Hamid Ferdi et SALMI samir.

Shoshenq is an Amazigh king who was enthroned Pharaoh of Egypt and founded the XXII Dynasty which reigned over Egypt until the year 715 BC. Shishong had managed to unify Egypt and then invade Judah, King Sheshonq is the only Amazigh king mentioned in the Bible under the name of Sésaq and Shishaq.



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