Photos & Video: New York Rally in Solidarity With Rif


New York July 1 2017 | Amazigh American rallied together in solidarity for the citizens of Rif on Saturday afternoon, and called on the US government and public opinion “to assist in protecting human rights and ending human rights abuses and to put pressure for a long-lasting repression in the Rif region.”

The event, which took place in New York union square , was organised by the the U.S support committee of the Rif’s People movement and the Amazigh Movement in united states , which urged “Amazigh people, friends and allies”, to “stand with those in Rif who have been the target of Morocco police repression.

Below is the press release published after the event by members of the U.S support committee of the Rif’s People movement and member of the Amazigh movement in U.S; [ads1]

[toggle title=”STATEMENT” state=”close”]New York, July 1 2017 In response to the intransigence of the Moroccan authorities, their failure to knowledge the legitimacy of the demands of the Rif Movement, their rejection of any dialogue with the movement and the initiation of a massive campaign to arrest its activists, the U.S support committee of the Rif’s People movement and the Amazigh Movement in united states organized a rally for Rif on Saturday, July 1, from 2pm to 5pm in New York’s Union Square to denounce the illegal arrests, arbitrary detentions and the use of excessive violence by Morocco police against the peaceful demonstrations in Al Houceima city in particular and the entire Rif region.

Based on the above, we at the U.S support committee of the Rif’s People movement and the Amazigh Movement in united states declare the following:

⦁ We condemn the indiscriminate arrests of the movement leaders demand their immediate and unconditional release.

⦁ We strongly condemn this barbaric intervention by the security forces against the peaceful demonstrators in the Rif region.

⦁ We denounce the policy of repression, bullying, intimidation and detention of the grassroot activists

⦁ We condemn all forms of restrictions on the right to protest

⦁ We hold the Moroccan state responsible of what happens and of any further deterioration of the situation in the region.

⦁ Our condemnation of the use of mosque platforms to undermine the legitimacy of grassroots movement.

⦁ We support all the demands of the Rif Movement and urge an immediate response to it.

The support committee of Rif movement in United states will continue it’s campaign to inform the Human rights NGO’s, American media, political institutions and general public to expose the Moroccan state repression of the Rif population and the detention the leaders of its peaceful protests.


The U.S support committee of the Rif’s People movement and the Amazigh Movement in united states. [/toggle]

Rif Rif

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